Rehabilitation of Palacete on Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, Lisbon House in Santa Isabel, Lisbon Accessible Path to Estrela Basilica, Lisbon Renovation of Condestável Avenue, Tomar Rehabilitation and Adaptation of a Building in São Miguel Street, Porto Ramalde Sports Park, Porto D-A Studio, Lisbon Social Center APSOV, Lisbon House of the Island, Leiria Building Renovations in Lagarteiro Neighborhood, Porto Exhibition ‘Africa – Perspectives of the Office of Colonial Urbanization 1944-1974’ Mortuary Chapels of Santos-o-Velho, Lisbon Housing in Tomás Gonzaga Street, Porto Public Space Renewal of Lagarteiro Neighborhood, Porto Central Bus Station, Rio Maior House in Humberto de Sousa Street, Montijo